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Statement on Forged CKIC Authorization Letter/关于伪造我公司《授权书》的声明



Statement on Forged CKIC Authorization Letter

Recently, CKIC has discovered that illegal company have forged the "Authorization Letter" of Changsha Kaiyuan Instrument Co., Ltd. In order to prevent our customers and partners from being deceived, CKIC solemnly declares as follows:

 According to CKIC relevant regulations "Quotation and Bidding Management Regulation" (Document Number: KY-QW/G-YX&GJ-02), all authorizations of our company for dealers must indicate specific project name (so called One-to-one authorization), otherwise it is forged.

If you find a suspected fake "Authorization Letter", you can scan the QR code on the authorization letter to verify the relevant information or verify it through CKIC official email address. (email: info@ckic.net) 

CKIC reserves the right to take legal measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the company for illegal acts such as illegally embezzling our company's name for business activities, unauthorized use of our company's trademarks, logo and stamp.


伪造《授权书》如下所示/The fake "Authorization Letter" is as follows: