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Encourage by President Xi's trip to Shanxi, CKIC will keep moving forward!


On January 27, Mr. Xi Jinping, President of China, came to Shanxi Ruiguang Coal-Fired Power Plant to investigate. The EPC project for fuel intelligent management in Ruiguang Power Plant was contracted by CKIC.

On January 27, President Xi Jinping inspect Shanxi Ruiguang Coal-Fired Power Plant, which is a demonstration power station for energy saving and emission reduction. Ruiguang optimized the technical route of circular economy and took the lead in implementing ultra-low emission transformation in Shanxi Province. 

President Xi underlined the need to promote low-carbon development of the coal sector while ensuring the energy supply to contribute to the country's carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals.

It is worth mentioning that the fuel intelligent control center and robotic laboratory that President Xi inspected at Ruiguang were developed and provided by CKIC, an enterprise located at Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone. 

CKIC introduced that the whole system integrates the relatively scattered equipment and process through automation equipment and information technology, builds a centralized fuel management platform, and establishes a unified standardized process control system.

Through the realization of equipment intelligence, process automation, and management informatization, the whole process of fuel management are automatically completed without human intervention, the monitoring and coordination of the fuel quality and acceptance process will be strengthened.

The EPC project for fuel intelligent management in Ruiguang Power Plant was contracted by CKIC. The construction scope covers the overall scheme design of the system, civil construction, equipment manufacturing, installation and commissioning, and software system integration. Among them, the new civil construction area of the project is 1350 square meters, mainly including three sets of truck sampler, automatic sample preparation room, intelligent sample storage room, robotic laboratory, centralized control center, traditional sample preparation room, traditional laboratory, etc.

"The system has improved the overall level of fuel management and risk prevention and control capabilities." CKIC said that, for example, the robotic laboratory that appeared in CCTV News could replace the traditional operation mode, namely manual operation of various analytical instruments by a large number of personnel, and realize automatic operation without human intervention, which ensures results accuracy of and significantly improve work efficiency. At present, the entire system is running in a stable state, and all functions fully meet the needs of various working conditions and truly achieve the goals of “Visible, Controllable, Manageable, and Traceable”.

CKIC has been established for 30 years, and cooperate with nearly 3,000 energy companies across the country for fuel management projects and laboratory instruments. Under the background of 'dual carbon' national goal, CKIC's fuel management system can be fortunately obtained by President. It is a great honor and encouragement for CKIC team to move forward!

Author: Economic Weekly
Source of photo and video | CCTV News Xinhua News Agency