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CKIC Calorimeter and TGA Help the Institute to Do the Biomass Analysis in Austria


In middle of 2017, CKIC 5E-C5508 Automatic Calorimeter and 5E-MACIV Automatic Thermogravimetric Analyzer - TGA were successfully installed in an Austria Biomass Research Institute that specializing in studying Bioenergetics and supplying the turnkey wood pellet production plants.

The key parameters of Biomass as followed will be tested in their laboratory:

Gross Calorific Value

Moisture / Ash / Volatile Matter

Ash Melting behaviour

 / Hydrogen / Nitrogen

Bulk Density

Mechanical Durability Tester

In their laboratory, the main Biomass covers the following types:

Wood chips / Wood pellets / Saw dust / Grass / Corn

We are delighted to hear from them that, in the past 4 months, CKIC calorimeter and TGA help them to do analysis studying the biomass samples and will support them the database to participate in National and International Expert Committees.