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New Standard for Power Industry Will Be Approved and Implemented

March.08 Power Plant

China Electricity Council entrust national power equipment quality management network to issue a new standard for the Technical Specification of the Intelligent Coal Combustion System for the Thermal Power Plant.

The drafting committee includes Top 5 power group, China Resources Power, Guohua Electric Power and other major end-users, to work together with the experts of CKIC, YGSOFT INC and other intelligent coal-related enterprises.

The standard drafting work was officially launched in March 2016. Related working conference was held respectively in Hangzhou, Xuzhou, Beijing, Wuhan, Panjin and other places. In June 2016, the final compilation and editing have been completed in the Jinan, Shangdong province; In July 2016, the first draft has been finished in Beijing; On November 11th, the review conference was held in Beijing; In December, the final version was reported to the China Electricity Council, waiting for the approval.