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How to check leakage for CHN?

1. please check the gas leakage of furnace and tank , after then check the leakage of whole gas circuit:
In software click “function-diagnosis” and then click “tank “to check tank gas leakage. Next click “furnace” to check furnace leakage . At last click “whole” to check whole gas circuit

2.Observe the flow of oxygen with the flowmeter
Click” function-system debugging-SV6-go” here the oxygen flow is 4.0L/min .If not , please find AS8 to adjust it to 4.0L/min
Click” function-system debugging-SV5-go” here the oxygen flow is 1.5L/min .If not , please find AS7 to adjust it to1.5L/min
Click” function-system debugging-SV4-go” here the oxygen flow is 0.5L/min .If not , please find AS6 to adjust it to 0.5L/min

3.When you start analysis , please observe the value of pressure 1 , during burning 3 , it must to reach 155000Pa ,

4.Please observe the piston’s position , open the left board with a 2 cm gap , then observe whether the piston can reach the top of the tank or not.